Group Coaching

Slider2-About Coaching

Group Coaching Programs:

A convenient and affordable way to realize your own growth,  in concert with others, These programs combine the best of both worlds – self-directed learning delivered via a special client portal with coaching tele-calls and a special forum to support group learning.


Embrace Your Woman Power_ 21 Day

Unleashing  Your Power: 21 Day Challenge: 



Included in this program:

Program Dates: Click here to email me about dates.



ClimbCourage, Risks and Rewards for Professional Women

Need a boost to make that dream a reality? Have a goal but fear the risk you’ll need to take in order to make it happen? In this program, you will

This training will open new doors to exciting opportunities!

Included in this program:

Program Dates:  Click here to email me about this program. 

Female Leaders-5Embracing Your Woman Power: The Five Step Process™:



If you’re a woman who:

And is:

Then this Program is for You.

Target Audience: Corporate female leaders and business professionals who want to embrace their power more fully so they can play a bigger game.

Topics Covered:

You’ll Discover: 

 In this 7 week Group Coaching Program, here’s what’s included:

And when we come together to learn as a group, the insights are quite profound.

Program Dates: October 13, 2016 – November 30, 2016

Enrollment begins 9/17/16 and ends 10/07/16. Take advantage of the Early Bird rate between 9/17 and 9/28/16. 

Click here to learn more and to enroll.

The Leadership Journey™ (coming soon)

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

~Edith Wharton


Don’t know which program is right for you? Click here to schedule a free discovery session or click here to send me an email.